Executive Director
Gábor Stréli
I started my career as a fresh graduate in 1997 in the commissioning and balancing team at the CLH Kft. During the six year I worked there, I had the chance to get acquainted with the profession in practice on the field, and subsequently I could further develop my practical skills at the engineering office. After the initial years, I moved to the Trane Hungária Kft, where first I prepared engineering quotations while I worked at the engineering quotation division, and then, thanks to the inhouse reorganisations, I worked as an engineer-sales representative. I worked in this position in the commercial area of building engineering, as a colleague, who was selling large equipment. Starting with 2007, I strengthened the team of the colleagues of Regale Kft for five years in a similar position, selling other products and I provided assistance to widely recognised building engineering designers of the profession in the course of planning cooling and ventilation equipment for different projects.
I was requested in 2012 to continue my career as an enterprise director in the area of general engineering implementation by strengthening the team of Econix Kft. I spent 7 years at the company. This was a decisive step of my previous career. During this period I got acquainted with engineering implementation, from presenting quotations up to successfully handing over the projects. The Econix Kft became a decisive player of the building engineering society during the period I worked here.
I decided – in January 2019 – to invest my energies into Stand 98 Kft, a company that was established by me in 1998, and which has been operating on the market already for 21 years, providing engineering services to its customers. With my friend and colleague Zoltán Bán We wish to achieve jointly that our company will become a player of the Hungarian building engineering market that is recognised by the partners that work with us.
I spend the majority of my free time with my family, as far as possible in the nature. The sport, and within it, volleyball has a major role in the life of my family.

Executive Director
Zoltán Bán
The building engineering profession is a family tradition for me, due to the fact that my father is a plumber, and a gas and heating fitter. Therefore, already as a small child I had met daily all the beauty and the difficulties of the profession. After completing my studies I started my career first, in 1997, in the family enterprise. In order to have a professional knowledge that is well founded not only from the aspect of theory, but on practical level as well, I went through all the steps of the hierarchy. I had the chance to acquire the fitting skills, however, I wanted to achieve more. Therefore, after the passing of 1 year, I started to work at the Stork Épszer Kft as a quotation preparing colleague. An additional 2 years had to pass until I had the chance to take my first steps as a project manager. Initially I worked on the implementation of smaller office buildings.
Then, in May 2003, I had the honour to join one of the decisive companies of the market of the time, the Technocsek Kft. At this company, we already implemented the complete building engineering systems of industrial facilities, office buildings, hall constructions, hospitals, thus I was able to gain significant practical experience as employee being in charge of the facilities. I had the chance to work as the subordinate of such professional excellences as for example one of the owners, István Egri, whose name and knowledge was known and recognised by everybody in the profession. During these years I managed among others the building of the Petz Aladár hospital in Győr and the implementation of the USA embassy as well.
2013 brought about an unexpected change both in the life of Technocsek Kft and in my own life. During this year I joined the team of the Econix Kft, which although had a smaller turnover and professional recognition, but it had a youthful drive. In the beginning I worked here as a project manager, then starting with 2016 as the production director. The three years while I worked as the production director was a lively period full of challenges. However, I may proudly say that it was an outstanding achievement of my employee career that I succeeded in raising the company among the TOP3, then among the TOP2 companies of Hungary, both as regards turnover and successfulness.
Year 2019 was the year of changes. In this year with my colleague and friend Gábor Stréli we jointly reformed the Stand 98 Kft, and thus we opened a new era, with not smaller targets and dreams than to make it a stable and recognised player of the Hungarian building engineering market. And these dreams are only the start …